Friday, February 19, 2010

The power of control

Control. Simple as it may seem, it actually is hard to master. Self-mastery is the ability to control oneself and to see whether you have it, ask yourself: do I curse everytime I get hurt? If yes, you are not a master of yourself. One thing we must remember is that vulgarities may increase our threshold of pain, but control increases others' respect for you. We must remember to "guard the gate to the warehouse"-meaning guard what comes out from the lips.
Actions are also another part. People always say someone has "itchy hands" when they cannot control their actions. We must always run the course of action through our minds to see if they're appropriate. Otherwise, we will be termed "without self-discipline". Sages from China, revered people from America'what do they have in common? The ability to control themselves.

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